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Third Saturday Seminar 2010-2011
Return of the Elders, Unleash your Wisdom
Session 2
October 16th, 2010 9:30 am til 12:00 noon
Room A-102, Lone Star College – Montgomery
3200 College Park Drive – Conroe, TX – 77384 – 936.273.7000
Note the one time room change to A-102, it’s just off The Commons
Many of us feel that we are at that part of life when we are justified in taking a well-earned and deserved back seat and relax. However, just in case you haven’t noticed, those who we have entrusted with keeping the ship of state on an even keel are not doing a very good job. Regardless what they say, the CHAOS grows.
It’s time for the Return of the ELDER! Previous successful societies relied on the councils of their ELDERS to offer WISDOM in times of confusion. Folks, we can’t quit yet. Come to the Third Saturday Seminar, learn how to UNLEASH YOUR WISDOM, at least discover other ways to look at things.
We are learning that we can continue to learn. More importantly many of are finding we can continue to teach. Teach who? lets see what we can figure out. Here’s some stuff to read…
Our Middle Aged Brains
David Niesel and Norbert Herzog
Ah… if only I could stay young… instead of faking it.
No kidding! It’s actually true that our brains change with age. There was a report that said forty percent of your brain cells are lost with age but that’s actually not true…
Something the middle aged brain is better at doing is recognizing the central idea or big picture. So if the brain is in good shape, it can build pathways that allow it to recognize patterns and their significance and find a solution faster than a young person.
This is an excerpt from a 10 page article from 2010 State of the World, transforming Cultures, From Consumerism to Sustainability. If, like me, you may feel there is something missing in the cultures of today’s world, that will preserve what we feel is good about our lives; you might get some ideas about what it is from this article.
Elders: A Cultural Resource for Promoting Sustainable Development
Judi Aubel, The Worldwatch Institute
Respecting the Wisdom of Elders
A community elder in southern Senegal recently lamented the fact that development programs rarely pay attention to local cultural values: “There have been so many programs carried out in our community: to build more school classrooms; to construct a health center; to teach us how to grow more vegetables,how to prevent disease, about the importance of sending girls to school, and of planting trees.” His testimony reflects the trend toward carefully targeted development programs that aim to produce “tangible and quantifiable results” corresponding to donor and government priorities but that may fail to address other less tangible cultural parameters that may be equally important for the survival of the communities the programs aim to support. In spite of rhetoric about the need for “culturally adapted” approaches, development policies and programs often unknowingly convey a set of western values that may be counterproductive to the long-term social development and survival of non-western societies.
One specific and decisive facet of non-western cultures that is rarely even dealt within discussions on culture and development is the central role played by elders in socializing younger generations, passing on indigenous knowledge and cultural values, and ensuring the stability and survival of their societies.The late Andreas Fuglesang, a well-known leader in development communication, referred to the essential role played by elder community members in more traditional societies as the “information processing unit” of a community. As Malian philosopher Amadou Hampâté Bâ notes,“When an elder person dies in Africa, it is as though a whole library had burned down.”
The Cliche’ (Cliches can be an enjoyable way to spend your time, but there are other opportunities too.)
Elderly people in modern society
Angels Web, Helium.com
“Old” Age is nothing like it used to be! Older people want to get out, enjoy life and just have fun. There is a dance called the “Chicken” and I have seen eighty and ninety year old people, squat like they were laying an egg, and then stand up and do it again. These are the same people who entered the room with canes and were complaining about their aches and pains. I agree with my Mother; I wish for all older people to live their lives to the fullest. Their kids should not be telling them how to behave for their age. My Mom was always a lot of fun to be around. She enjoyed and appreciated all the wonders in life. We both believe that life should be lived to its fullest, and that we should never take the time to waste even a moment!
The Talents of a Middle-Aged Brain
By Tara Parker-Pope, NYTimes.com
After we hit 40, many of us begin to worry about our aging brains. Will we spend our middle years searching for car keys and forgetting names?
If you Google “Roles of Elders” or similar phrases, you will find a voluminous collection of relevant material.
Yes we will do Current Events! As I write this They have three miners up from the depth of the mine in Chile. (What is similar and what is different on the flags of Texas and Chile, and what about Cuba’s?)
The offshore drilling Moratorium is Lifted! Really? No not really. (Our president is just having fun with us.) Anybody who wants to drill must meet a lot of new regulations before they can get a permit. And nobody seems to know just what all those new regulations will be. It’ll be a while.
And of course there is more
Come, join the discussion! Let’s see if there is hope!
Public Service Announcements:
1. The old Coffee Pot is dead
And, we haven’t had anybody volunteer to become the next “Director of Coffee Services” so for this next meeting may we suggest that there are excellent sources of very good coffee not far the college.
So, If you want coffee:
There are wonderful places to get coffee on Saturday mornings:
- Starbucks on the north side of Hwy 242 just east of Woodforest Bank.
- Caffe’ Diem and/or Brooklyn Cafe, both on the south side in the College Park Plaza shopping center.
- There is also a McDonald’s on the south side east of the shopping center and next to the Tradition Bank.
I will continue to bring donuts.
2. The Montgomery ALL 10 year anniversary celebration will be held on Saturday, October 23rd in Building A – The Commons Building from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm.
Kenne Turner has uploaded an 8:21 minute video (ALL10th Anniversary.MOV) retrospective of the last 10 years of ALL which can be viewed at: http://vodpod.com/watch/4537748-all-10th-anniversary-mov or on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMFIo9L_1zc
I don’t know if it’s purposely silent or my two computers just don’t have the right software to make the sound come out. regardless, you will see a lot of old friends and maybe yourself.
3. “For Their Own Good? Children in the Adult Criminal Justice System.” (Full-disclosure: I am the President of the Houston Chapter of the ACLU of Texas.)
Community Discussion to Focus on Children In the Adult Criminal Justice System
The Center for Children, Law & Policy at the University of Houston Law Center and the Houston chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas will co-host a symposium October 22 to discuss major issues confronting children when they are treated as adults in the criminal justice system.
Speakers include:
the Hon. Beverly Malazzo, Juvenile District Juvenile Courts of Harris County;
the Hon. Mike Schneider, Judge, 315th Juvenile District Court of Harris County;
Professor Ellen Marrus, Director of the Center for Children, Law & Policy;
Christene Wood, Associate Attorney, Phelps Dunbar, LLP;
Lisa Graybill, Legal Director, ACLU of Texas; and
Chris Vogel, Staff Writer, the Houston Press.
The event is open to the general public as well as attorneys seeking CLE credit and other professionals working with juveniles in the criminal justice system. No charge for attendees not receiving CLE Credit.
When: Friday, October 22, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
What: Legal symposium,“For Their Own Good? Children in the Adult Criminal Justice System.”
Where:University of Houston Law Center, Krost Hall, 100 Law Center, Houston, TX 77204
This event was inspired and informed by these two articles in the Houston Press:
For Their Own Good
Harris County juveniles certified as adults are jailed in isolation 23 hours a day — without being convicted of a crime.
For Their Own Good: A Chance at Rehabilitation
Chris Vogel the author, was awarded “Honorable Mention” by the Texas Observer in their “Molly (for Molly Ivins) Award” Competition
4. Nov 2nd is the General election. Early voting starts Monday, 18 October and ends 29 October. Texas Voters have the unique opportunity to vote for “None of the Above” in the gubernatorial election and in a very creative way. That is if neither the Republican nor the Democratic candidate for governor seems particularly attractive to you. You have two alternatives: Deb Shafto for the Green Party (Left) and Kathie Glass for the Libertarians (The real conservatives). If you vote for one of them, realistically, they won’t win, but a significant percentage can send a message to the one that wins and the other major candidate that didn’t win as to what the people feel. I know Deb Shafto and she is a a really good person and Progressive’s Progressive. I don’t know Kathie Glass, but this time I think I will enjoy the luxury of voting Libertarian. Why? Because it is my opinion that neither of the major party candidates for governor has offered anything but platitudes, certainly no grasp of what faces the state of Texas in the future and how he will work with the legislature to make it bette.. As to the National off-year election, I do expect changes will be made, but won’t waste time predicting what they might be. What we will have is more Chaos regardless (Which by now you should be getting used to.) Remember, DON”T PANIC (It won’t do any good, and it could hurt you.)
One parting thought: I am hearing a lot of disturbing FEAR (in the media – go figure) about unlimited corporate money being spent on commercials to support one side or the other. (Apparently for this election the Republicans have the upper hand money-wise.) Folks, you don’t have to watch or listen to what you don’t want to! (But what about my gullible neighbors?) Don’t worry about your neighbors’ gullibility, learn to control your own. This might be a good time to invest in a DVR or VCR that lets you record your favorite programs then watch them about 30 minutes later and fast forward through the political propaganda. And, remember political ads are no longer to inform, they are designed specifically to mis-inform you to get your vote, or get you to stay home. Definitely vote. Please.
Course Information –
Third Saturday Seminars
To refer to an ancient Chinese saying, our world is in interesting times and individual citizens are assaulted with a blinding array of propaganda from every conceivable source. The Third Saturday Seminar is about demystification of what is going on around us. Time will also be spent on current events. (Class will meet on 9/18, 10/16,
11/20). 4 Sessions. No fee.
Lone Star College-Montgomery B102
43717 Sa 9/18 – 11/20 9:30 a.m. – Noon
From I-45 N
Take exit 79 toward TX-242/College Park Dr/Needham Rd, 0.2 mi
Turn left (West) at TX-242 W/College Park Dr, Destination will be on the right
I suggest you take the West Parking Entrance (After the Main entrance and University Center)
Turn right and right (East) into the parking area. Drive up the rise and down to park close to Building B (between building F and the brand new Parking Garage see map: http://www.lonestar.edu/maps-montgomery.htm
B-102 is the teaching Theater on the first floor just inside the entrance to the left.
My Cell Phone is .
Complete ALL Fall Catalog for LSC – Montgomery:
Registration Information:
http://www.lonestar.edu/14613.htm Visit LoneStar.edu/ALL-Montgomery
or call 936.273.7446
Next Time! November 20, 2010 (No meeting in December because of Proximity to the holidays.) We do have a meeting planned for January 2011.
See you Saturday
Curt Gibby
Director, Third Saturday Seminar
fax 281-288-8230
gcgconsult (at) n-star.com